We offer a range of payload solutions ranging from OEM components for integration into UAS like our PicoNV video encoder and customizable multi-camera solution and IceWarning payload, our Ethernet Multicomm board, all the way up to complete payload solutions such as our Gas Leak Detection payload (DJI M300 and Pixhawk based solutions) and Raptor 4KIR dual zoom 4K and thermal payload, as well as custom payload solutions.
PicoNV Video Payload
PicoNV is a flexible video payload, which can be used for tasks as simple as streaming video from a global shutter 1080p or 720p camera (similar to our previous Picocamera payload), or can be the basis for a more complex multi-camera payload (such as an advanced tri-camera payload, for example integrating a 20 megapixel global shutter camera, an HD global shutter block camera, and a thermal camera all in one package. It is also cost effective and very small. It is suitable as the basis for other custom payloads. We can also help leverage our experience.
FalconDuo Visible+Thermal Dual Cost Effective Camera
FalconDuo is a tiny and extremely cost effective dual visible + thermal camera solution. It contains a 16MP HD capable high quality camera combined with a micro LWIR camera, all in one low cost package which mates with our PicoNV encoder.

DJI Gas Leak Detection Payload
Our DJI Optical Gas Imaging / Gas Leak Detection payload is an advanced plug and play payload suitable for the DJI M300 drone, geared at pipeline and wellhead inspection and gas leak detection.
Raptor 4KIR
Raptor 4KIR is an advanced payload for large multicopters, geared at fire spotting and search and rescue and ISR applications.
IceWarning / Meteorological Sensor
IceWarning is a potential icing conditions detection and meteorological sensor.
Ethernet Multicomm Board
Ethernet Multicomm Board is an OEM payload processor typically used for communications bridging and camera / gimbal control. It can also be used for custom payload control.
SBUS Modules
SBUS Modules are used typically with Picoradio datalinks as a way to send manual control information over the primary datalink.